Tree producer. Fir tree - Spruce
Dear customers, we inform you that the Christmas tree season begins November 15, 2024
There is no Self-Picking Christmas trees for the 2024 season, only trees already cut at the workshop at 297 chemin Brome, lac Brome, J0E 1S0.
Thank you for your trust!

Plantation Bernier is a silvicultural company of great expertise with more than 25 years of experience in the field. The owner, Mr. Stéphane Bernier has bachelor's degree in wood science since 1994 and is also a member of l'Association des producteurs d'arbres de Noël du Québec (APANQ). Whether it's decorative or for wind-break purposes, You will find here several species of conifer that can be transplanted on your property. We cultivate among others, the Colorado spruce (blue, semi blue and green), white spruce, Norway spruce, Canadian fir. In the holidays, it's also the best place to choose and cut your own Christmas tree. Who says Christmas also says Christmas crown. You will discover a wide variety of decorating product for the holiday on site.
We invite you to take a look inside the ''Tree with roots'' section if you want to get information concerning the prices for the trees and their availability for the season. We wish you a nice visit!
We invite you to take a look inside the ''Tree with roots'' section if you want to get information concerning the prices for the trees and their availability for the season. We wish you a nice visit!
''One picture is worth a thousand words!''
Contact: Stéphane Bernier
1 450 534-2417
1 450 534-2417